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What's in my diaper bag?

You haven't packed a bag until you've had to pack one for a baby. Being prepared for anything is essential - spit up, leaks from diapers, mucus from a stuffy nose - you get the idea.

When Kyler was first born I would stuff his bag full of things that I would never use. We need to be prepared but not bring the entire house with us, this I have learned. He's now 13 months and I think I got the essentials for my diaper bag down.


Here's what I carry daily:

1. Toy - to play, for comfort, to chew

2. Powder, Vaseline, Desitin, saline nose spray and Vick's vapor rub

3. Medicine, gripe water, thermometer and pacifier clip

4. Baby wipes and carrying case

5. Diapers

6. Hand sanitizer, Bonjela teething gel and Kleenex tissues

7. Extra formula and pacifier - I put the pacifier in a small storage container as this one doesn't have a cover

8. Blanket, burb cloth and bib

9. Extra clothes - shirt, pants and socks

I carry all of this in a medium sized JJ Cole diaper bag.


You may be wondering "what about bottles and food?" And you're right, but my diaper bag only has two side pockets for bottles and that isn't near enough space for Kyler's milk and food. Plus those side pockets are where I stick his shoes after he's taken them off.

I pack a separate bag of bottles, food and water. I use the bag that my breast pump came in and it works great. I fill it and just stick the entire thing in the fridge. That'll be a separate post - stay tuned!

Xoxo Rita

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