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Having been sick with Tonsillitis and ear infections since November 4th, my son as well, I've been extremely exhausted, hence the lack of posts.

On November 4th Kyler had his scheduled 12 month immunization shot. We went to the GT hospital, however, he had a fever of 100° F while we were there and was looking so sick. So then we proceeded to the General Practice 😒

At the GP we saw a doctor, she checked his ears and his breathing, said they were fine and prescribed what I later found out to be allergy medication (useless) and said to continue using the Calpol for the fever.


The weekend passed, Calpol was quickly losing its usefulness and he just seemed to be getting worse. I was too busy focused on him to deal with my own symptoms at that point. Monday afternoon we went to TrinCay urgent care, located in Camana Bay and saw the pediatrician there, Dr. Chen.

One look into his ears and she said they were red, swollen and filled with pus - infected. Both ears. And spreading to his throat. I literally had just gone to the doctor, what 3 days prior and apparently he was fine, right?

She monitored his breathing and the first question she asked was, "who has asthma in the family?" Kyler's father has asthma. Kyler was wheezing and honestly I had no clue, I just figured it was because his nose was stuffed up.

Medications were prescribed and after one day, my pumpkin was acting like himself again. The rudeness had resumed 😄

He's still on his medications but he's doing tremendously well. Never carrying him back to GT again. I've had too much bad experiences there and they just love run up one's insurance.

Now onto me - it finally hit me Monday night. Motrin had finished and the fever and pain were too much so I went to the ER at GT. Yes - had to go there. As mentioned, they ran up my insurance so much that I now would have to pay full for any treatment elsewhere, same for Kyler's insurance.

But you know what I discovered - it's actually cheaper to go the private doctor. Well, of course that depends which one. But for Kyler it'll work out cheaper to continue to get treatment at TrinCay than the GT hospital. Plus at least the private doctor will look at you for more than 30 seconds.


That Monday night I saw the doctor, he looked in my throat. Prescribed some antibiotics and other medications and I was out. Well - that's what I thought. Wednesday morning I was to the point where I couldn't even swallow water. I was exhausted and dehydrated. Had to go on the IV for antibiotics, pain and inflammation medication and fluids.

The other doctor I saw on Wednesday said that the previous medications were too weak and then she prescribed new stronger medications - making my purchase of the first meds useless. So that's $30 down the drain on top of the first doctors visit on top of a stay in the ER for a full day. 💲💲💲 After being discharged in the evening Wednesday, I get a list from the receptionist out front with all the charges that they will bill to my insurance company 😨.


I had missed an entire week from work. I'm still not doing 100%. My throat is definitely better but some nights it seems like my ears are getting worse. I was referred to the ENT clinic at GT but I guess by now I should have learned my lesson - going to a private ENT specialist for sure!

Sick... of that hospital and the crappy service provided. I had to go to the doctors 4 times in under a week for something that shouldn't be this serious with modern medicines. Grateful my baby and myself have gotten better ☺️



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